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Take Supervision Seriously I have been banging on about this for many, many years supervision is one of the most important relationships a therapist can have. In psychotherapy and counselling, this is already well understood. Indeed they have supervision properly … Continue reading
Time to Review Hypnotherapy Training Standards I have spent all of my adult life trying to help the hypnotherapy profession to grow and flourish. My Masters Degree thesis was on the subject of hypnotherapy training. Having been training hypnotherapists since … Continue reading
Use of Logos in Hypnotherapy It’s Sunday, and sadly, I find myself writing about a subject that really bothers me and should bother the profession. Some hypnotherapists are using logos from the NHS, Department of Health and various Private Medical … Continue reading
Courses for Therapists Online A Blessing or Curse I was reading an article the other day which talked about how a particular training organisation was selling thousands of courses throughout the world and that you could become an accredited hypnotherapist … Continue reading
Feedback From Yesterday’s Post Well it would appear that yesterday’s post seems to have struck a chord with some members of the profession. Some from professional associations and some just ordinary rank and file professionals who like me see that … Continue reading
Another Sad Day For Hypnotherapy Today I am referring to the case of Michael Walsh who is currently on trial in Scotland for sexual assault whilst using hypnotherapy. Now it would not be appropriate for me to comment on the … Continue reading
A Six Day Hypnotherapy Diploma I think NOT In my inbox the other morning I received a mailing from a training company that I have never heard of, with a trainer I never heard of selling me a six day … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy The New Approach for Smoking Cessation In keeping with my New Year’s habit of writing about some of the wrongs with hypnotherapy marketing, I find myself confronting another typical method of marketing hypnotherapy. I came across an article describing … Continue reading
Hypnotherapists Identify Your Training I cannot count the number of times I come across a Hypnotherapy web site and as I look at the “about me” page I find nothing regarding the training that this practitioner has. Now some of … Continue reading
A Follow Up To Misleading Advertising in Hypnotherapy Well, as in the past when I have written on subjects like this a few folk decided to contact me directly. In the main, the comments were positive, but as to be … Continue reading