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Mental Health Issues Do Not Explain Everything We live in interesting times, which incidentally is considered to be a curse by the Chinese. There is much speculation regarding Donald Trump and whether or not he is mentally impaired. Of course, … Continue reading
Be in the Here and Now When we are children tomorrow never comes quickly enough. We are always looking forward to something. Be that our birthday, Christmas, being off school or whatever, the child’s life is lived in anticipation. As … Continue reading
Flexibility in Your Goals I have been thinking of late how often people present to my office with the idea of wanting to achieve this or that and being totally inflexible in the way that they accomplish it. It is … Continue reading
World Hypnotism Day Many years ago professional hypnosis practitioners saw the need for a day that could be used for education and to clarify many of the misconceptions as to what hypnosis is and is not. This idea was crystallised … Continue reading
Exploitation of the Lonely One of the things I see in greater numbers in my practice is clients who are struggling with being single and on their own. Despite our advances in technology and communication many people feel more alone … Continue reading
Returning to The James Braid Society New Year and new opportunities, I have been invited to speak at the January Meeting of the James Braid Society. This is a unique organisation in that it is a social club for hypnotherapists. … Continue reading
A Happy 2018 To You All I have been privileged to do every day the job I love. I enjoy helping people to reach their potential as well as assisting them to overcome a plethora of emotional, behavioural and psychological … Continue reading
Farewell To The Old This is the sentiment of a song which will be sung in the four corners of the world tonight. The song of course is the Robert Burns poem Auld Lang Syne. The song is about saying farewell … Continue reading
Don’t Give in to NYE Pressure to Drink Well for many people tomorrow is the best day of the holiday season, New Year’s Eve. Drinks a plenty good friends and all the trimmings are what most people look forward to. … Continue reading
Get Ready For The New Year Well we are closing in on New Year’s Day and the traditional need to make resolutions for change. I generally recommend to clients to not bother with resolutions because like diets, these are temporary … Continue reading