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Are Anti Depressants Over Prescribed With the growing discussion on mental health throughout the world, one cannot avoid reading about anti-depressants. Articles relating to anti-depressants tend to be pro or con. The majority of studies tend to lend themselves to … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Negative Actions As we get nearer and nearer to summertime people are turning their minds to personal, self improvement. There is, of course, no shortage of books, DVD’s and options as to how people can improve themselves. Yet … Continue reading
Major Hospitals Turing To Hypnotherapy In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, it would appear that many major hospitals in the United States are beginning to look at hypnotherapy as a means of treatment for a variety of … Continue reading
An Excellent Video From Like Minds If you have ever sought out therapy, you will see a plethora of options, websites and organisations which provide either therapeutic services or accreditation for therapists. I can totally understand that this can be … Continue reading
Hypnosis and Abuse For anyone who follows the news, the predominant issue that is brought up with hypnosis, when it is negative, is about hypnotists abusing their clients or people in general using hypnosis as the vehicle. Now, one cannot … Continue reading
Music and Mood I was reading a piece today where a person talked about how music had assisted her with her depression. This, of course is not an uncommon phenomenon. Music inspires, it moves, it drives creativity so why should … Continue reading
The Return of the Life Time Guarantee 20 years ago it was quite common for hypnotherapists to offer “life time guarantees” on smoking cessation sessions as a means of getting clients through the door. It was a practise which I … Continue reading
Psychotherapy and Spirituality Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know I have written about hypnotherapy and spirituality in the past. Whilst I do have a spiritual side, I do not generally bring that into my practice. … Continue reading
Weight Loss and Anxiety I watched an interesting video yesterday on the BBC website. It was about a young man who had lost 6 stone in weight and other than the obvious health benefits from it he reported that the … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Relationship Break-Ups Spring is the time of year when people tend to be more optimistic. They have seen out the winter and now have better weather and better times to look forward to. Interestingly, anecdotally in my practice, … Continue reading