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Lygophobia- Fear of darkness One of the more common fears in people which generally tends to begin and end in childhood is the fear of the dark. Not knowing what is out there and the various sounds that are happening … Continue reading
Logizomechanophobia- Fear of computers It is impossible for people not to notice that there is an increasing march of progress going on in the world today. The ability to communicate in an instance to look up data on practically any … Continue reading
Lockiophobia- Fear of childbirth It has been said that one of the truly great moments in a person’s life is when they bring a life into the world and give birth. For many this is considered quite the miracle and … Continue reading
Liticaphobia Fear of lawsuits Today’s offering is a timely one, a person cannot watch television these days without seeing at least one firm of lawyers asking the immortal question, “Have you been hurt in an accident and it isn’t your … Continue reading
Ligyrophobia- Fear of loud noises Though not commonly known, humans are actually born with fear. Two fears specifically, the first is the fear of falling. The second is a fear of loud noises. Parents will be able to attest that … Continue reading
Laliophobia or Lalophobia- Fear of speaking Each and every one of us has a voice, however, we may not use it due to fear and anxiety. Many surveys have shown that the most predominant fear in the western world is … Continue reading
Lachanophobia- Fear of vegetables Many parents will have had the experience of trying to get their children to eat vegetables, with varying degrees of success. Often children will dislike the idea of eating the vegetable before even trying it. The … Continue reading
Kynophobia- Fear of rabies The United Kingdom has an enviable reputation for not having recorded a case of rabies in several generations. Rabies is a condition that causes a great deal of fear and anxiety in most people. Kynophobia, … Continue reading
Kosmikophobia- Fear of cosmic phenomenon Space the final frontier is a famous line from a famous show. The idea of the cosmos is one of mystery and wonder. Space has been a subject of fascination for a millennium, the … Continue reading
Kopophobia- Fear of fatigue Kopophobia is the intense and pathological fear of being fatigued or exhausted, either mentally or physically. Sufferers find the concept of fatigue as something to be avoided at all costs this is especially true if a sufferer … Continue reading