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Lockiophobia- Fear of childbirth

Lockiophobia- Fear of childbirth

It has been said that one of the truly great moments in a person’s life is when they bring a life into the world and give birth. For many this is considered quite the miracle and is an event to be enjoyed and savoured. However, there are some who have a pathological fear of the birthing process and experience real terror at the thought of anything to do with the child birthing process. Lockiophobia is the intense and overwhelming fear of anything to do with the child birthing process.

It is not too difficult to understand where this fear may have begun for an individual, there is expected to be a certain level of pain involved with the whole birthing process. This is often described as the worst of all possible pain and that only a woman who has been through the process can have any understanding of what it feels like. This auto-suggestion about pain can cause some expecting mothers to experience grave misgivings about the entire idea of child birth. This misgiving can lead to anxiety and in the end quite intense fear.

My friend and colleague Sharon Mustard has come up with an integrative programme to help couples through the birthing process with hypnosis called Easibirthing, I cannot recommend this programme more highly. For further information go to


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