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Motorphobia- Fear of automobiles In our fast paced lifestyle, it is considered very important to be able to get from A to B in the shortest possible time. It would be impossible not to notice that there has been a … Continue reading
Monophobia- Fear of solitude or being alone We human beings are social creatures, by which I mean, we crave socialisation. As the song says “people need people”. However, for most of us, we also have a desire from time … Continue reading
Methyphobia- Fear of alcohol For many people alcohol is a part of their every day lives. Going to the pub, enjoying a drink with dinner for many are considered to be the little luxuries in life that are meant to … Continue reading
Melissophobia- Fear of bees With summer being here, many of us look forward to spending some time in the garden and enjoying the sunshine. However, with the sunshine and warmth come insects which can cause people to experience anxiety. The … Continue reading
Metathesiophobia- Fear of changes In life one of the only true inevitabilities is that nothing stays the same. Humanity is in a constant state of evolution and the things that we hold as facts now, may prove in a … Continue reading
Maniaphobia- Fear of insanity Health has become a preoccupation for many people, if you read a news paper or watch the news on television there is little doubt that you will come across at least one story relating to health. … Continue reading
Medomalacuphobia- Fear of losing an erection For some men, the way they identify themselves is via their sexual prowess. The idea of being a man is interpreted as their ability to be able to please their lover and to maintain … Continue reading
Mastigophobia- Fear of punishment One of the most important lessons that most of us receive is that every action has consequences, both good and bad. Obviously, we strive to achieve the positive consequences of our actions and endeavour to avoid … Continue reading
Lilapsophobia- Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes There can be little doubt that when we look out into the world one of the most awesome sights is the power of mother nature. From the growing of trees to the amazing design … Continue reading
Logophobia- Fear of words Words can be very powerful indeed, they can convey some of the most important concepts that people feel about and towards each other. They can start wars, as well as call for peace. Indeed, there is … Continue reading