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The Be-Carefuls Its all or itâs nothing thinkingâ¦â¦..If it is not perfect for you then you perceive yourself as a failure.. Over generalise: Seeing a single negative event as the proof to yourself that you are a failure!!! Mind Filling: … Continue reading
Managing Your Mood Sometimes when things get too much and we dwell on things, our mood changes. One way to deal with this is to become aware of when this happens and try to control it, and not let it … Continue reading
So how do we cope with stress? Pt3 As with all things in life, each person deals with issues in accordance to their individual gifts, skills and abilities. There are three areas which lend themselves to being either an adaptive … Continue reading
So how do we cope with stress? Pt2 Secondary appraisal This assesses your resources for coping with your situation. Again using past experiences. Belief about self, environment, circumstances and personal resources are considered. For example: have you coped in the … Continue reading
So how do we cope with stress? We all cope, it is the nature of life lets look at the coping process, which can be applied to any situation in life, not just at work. There are 3 stages to … Continue reading
Fight, Flight or Freeze in Stress Management Pt3 Sometimes when a stressful event occurs all the physiological activity within the body may not cease, in this case the person can be left with muscular activity such as shaking, shivering and … Continue reading
Fight, Flight or Freeze in Stress Management Pt2 When the fight or flight reaction hits, then a substantial amount of energy is released into the body to prepare the body for fight or flight, the liver releases extra sugar in … Continue reading
Fight, Flight or Freeze in Stress Management Stress can be physical e.g. Attack, rape, accident, or physiological e.g. Tension and the emotion of fear caused by work load, relationship, financial problems, the list is endless. All stress related actions because … Continue reading
Personality Types in Stress Management Personality types You may see that there are different personality types that react to stress, for the purpose of this I have narrowed it down to three of them. See if you can recognise yourself … Continue reading
What is the Stress Response Pt2 The hypothalamus also activates the pituitary gland, also known as the master gland, which is situated beneath the hypothalamus. This hypothalamus releases corticotrophin which in turn then stimulates the anterior pituitary gland. The anterior … Continue reading