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Therapy and Self Care There is much talk these days regarding self care. It is a common subject in the popular press as well as the major news outlets. Many times these articles and stories focus on things like diet … Continue reading
Is Hypnosis and It Does it work? It didn’t work for me. Wonder what the it is? Well it is hypnosis, one of the very few therapeutic processes which is commonly referred to as an it. The reason why the … Continue reading
Its Holiday Time, A Chance to Overcome Your Fears Well Summer has arrived and for many people they will be looking forward to a much needed and deserved holiday. But holiday season is not always something people look forward to, … Continue reading
To Live or Die That is The Question I am sure that many of you will have read the tragic story about the teenage girl from Malaysia who conducted an Instagram Poll to decide whether she should live or kill … Continue reading
Reality TV and Mental Health Well, unless you have been living under a rock for the past few days you will have no doubt heard that the “Jeremy Kyle Show” has been take off the air indefinitely due to the … Continue reading
Are We Causing Problems With Counselling I was reading an interesting article today about whether or not counselling is fuelling mental health issues with university students. The premise is that people are being referred to counselling when what they need … Continue reading
Do Clients Lie in Psychotherapy This is a question that I am often asked by my students. As people, generally speaking will lie in their day to day lives. Sometimes for big things sometimes for small. Do they also lie … Continue reading
Talking to Friends is Not Therapy Some readers may remember an advertisement the British Telecom used to run with Bob Hopkins where the punch line was “Its good to talk”. A simple message but a valuable one, especially when it … Continue reading
PTSD and the Police In a recent article on the BBC website it has been said that the levels of stress in the police service are at breaking point. Additionally, there are more and more cases of Post Traumatic Stress … Continue reading
Uncertainty and Mental Health You can feel it pretty much anywhere you go at the moment. It is the constant subject on the news and between most people. We are living in unprecedented uncertain times. Now, there is always a … Continue reading