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Post Number 1300 1300 postings, where does the time go. This whole thing started as an SEO improvement campaign, but in reality it has become bigger than that now. I only imagined I would write a few posts every now … Continue reading
Stress and Weight Weight is an issue for many people and far too often do people look for easy answers as to why people are putting on weight. The idea that people are just greedy or ill disciplined is just … Continue reading
The Importance of Hypnotherapy Conferences One of the more enjoyable things I do professionally is attend hypnotherapy conferences all over the world. Indeed, I have had the privilege of presenting at 5o or more over the past 29 years. The … Continue reading
The Importance of Locus of Control Locus of control stems from a social learning theory approach to personality where general beliefs are thought to develop from expectations based on prior reinforcements and hence is an expectancy-value approach to motivation. Expectancy-value … Continue reading
More Nonsense Headlines About Hypnosis Whilst deciding what to write about today, I have come across an article, from the same source as yesterday’s which claims that a woman lost three stone by having her mind tricked with hypnosis that … Continue reading
More Shilling From The Media As regular readers will be aware, I have been critical about how some of the press are covering hypnotherapy stories. My main grip has been that celebrity name dropping has been used as news, and … Continue reading
The Shadow Persona It has been a year since the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States. I think it is safe to say that there has not been such a divisive personality in political history. I … Continue reading
A Need For Dialogue Having spoken at the James Braid Society this week, I got to thinking about the future of the profession. One of the things that I enjoy about the James Braid Society is that people from different … Continue reading
Envy and Mental Health For most of us, we were raised with the notion that envy was not a good thing. Either by our parents or the church envy was considered to be a negative trait. One of the things … Continue reading
It’s Not All About Clinical Practice and Teaching I have been in continual practice now for 29 years, and I have never tired or got bored with the work that I do. I suppose that makes me a very fortunate … Continue reading