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It’s Time to Cool Off Well I travelled back from Greece yesterday and discovered to my shock that I was actually returning to a hotter climate than the one I left. For us in Britain that is almost unheard of. … Continue reading
Down The Rabbit Hole I was talking to a client the other day, he is a big strapping guy, a real man’s man. Our conversation turned to hos going down the rabbit hole, the analogy he uses for his depression. … Continue reading
The Time is Now As is traditional for me after our annual conference, I am enjoying some R&R. This time in Greece whether the weather is most agreeable and the staff are some of the best I have ever encountered. … Continue reading
Politics and the Profession Not a Winning Combination In my almost 29 years as a hypnotherapist I have seen organisations come and go, people come and go, but the profession itself moved forward. This profression was not always smooth, but … Continue reading
Neurosis and Psychosis is There a Difference Today I thought we could look at the difference between neurosis and psychosis. This is a common question for many newly qualified psychotherapists. Psychopathology or mental illness is traditionally divided in two: neurotic … Continue reading
Research and Interventions using Self-Determination Theory The following posting is based on the notes take during a lecture at Loughborough University in 2011 by Dr Richard Ryan, I thought folk might find this useful. Dr Richard Ryan of Rochester University, … Continue reading
Myth and Metaphor For regular readers of my postings, please forgive the lack of an article yesterday. It is traditional after our International Hypno-Psychotherapy Conference I take a week off to re-charge the batteries and yesterday was a travelling day. … Continue reading
1100 and Going Strong Today is the 1100th blog posting I have done, it amazes me that I could come up with 1100 things to talk about. I hope that some of you managed to find some use with some … Continue reading
A Chance to Meet Old Friends and Make New Ones Well this is the official day one of the International Hypno-Psychotherapy Conference. It is my favourite day, getting to see old friends and meet some new ones. The conference provides … Continue reading
Another Year Another Conference Well it is June, and in my calendar since 2001 it has been time for conference. I, with my bestie Fiona Biddle, have organised 18 conferences in that time. Two years we ran two in one … Continue reading