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Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia€“ Fear of responsibility For many of us when we were children, we railed against our parents in an every increasing attempt to get more privileges and to be treated like “grown-ups”. Most of us learned at that … Continue reading

Hominophobia Fear of men In a previous post I discussed a fear of women, so it seems only right to now look at the phenomena of the fear of men. Hominophobia is a worry and fear of men in general. … Continue reading

Hippophobia an exaggerated or irrational worry of horses Some animals and humans have for all of time had a symbiotic relationship with one another. Humans have had pets which become domesticated and even considered part of their respective family. Still … Continue reading

Heliophobia – Fear of the sun From the beginning of time, the sun has been worshipped as being the most powerful god, source of power, as well as being a great mystery. The sun has be recognised as being absolutely … Continue reading

Haphephobia or Haptephobia Fear of being touched Human contact is something that the vast majority of people of the world not only want, but need. It is a way of conveying emotions, affection and love. Whilst the majority of the … Continue reading

Hamartophobia- Fear of sinning For regular readers of this blog, you will detect a pattern over the past couple of entries. First we had the fear of hell, then the fear of saints and holy things, now and finally we … Continue reading

Hagiophobia Fear of saints or holy things Carrying on from yesterday’s post today we will look at what one would consider to be the opposite of the fear of hell, that being Hagiophobia, which is the fear of saints and … Continue reading

Hadephobia The Fear of Hell For millennia, one of the most potent ways of gaining control over people and keeping them in order and in line was the threat of hell in the life after. A place of such unspeakable … Continue reading

Gynephobia an exaggerated or irrational fear or hatred of women For many men, we go through a process when we are young of discovering the differences between boys and girls. This process for most is a very healthy and nurturing … Continue reading

Gymnophobia Fear of nudity All of us come into this world with one thing in common, we come into the world nude. Nudity is our first state of being and when we are very young, we might often prefer being … Continue reading

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