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Is Awareness Enough As regular readers of my blog will know I am a great believer and advocate to get mental health to be a national discussion and to take it from out of the shadows and bring it into … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Your Salary As regular readers will know I rail on a regular basis about the over simplification of hypnotherapy and what it is capable of. Some have argued that all publicity is good publicity and that I am … Continue reading
Big Boys Do Cry Emotions are a complex subject for most people. For many men, it is a minefield which they want to avoid having to traverse. We all know the old saying “Big Boys Don’t Cry”. This is due … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Breast Cancer For sufferers of breast cancer hypnosis has been shown to assist with the fatigue associated with radiotherapy. Hypnosis when combined with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been shown to reduce fatigue in a randomised controlled study reported … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Tinnitus There is an issue which afflicts many people, yet it is hardly discussed. Tinnitus is a persistent ringing in the ear which can be so debilitating that the sufferer can no longer work, or rest properly and … Continue reading
Netflix and Fat Shaming I have noticed that there has been a grown swell of social media comments about a new Netflix show called Insatiable. The general premise of the programme is that a girl is bullied for being fat. … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Referrals and Reviews I have spent the weekend speaking to a National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Stage Two group about ethical practice. I have always said that ethics leads to a successful practice. Now, there are those … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Hypnotizability There is a very common misconception as to the importance of deep hypnotisability and hypnosis for therapy. Because of its representation in the media, people will often believe that for hypnotherapy to be successful, you need to … Continue reading
Limitations of Hypnotherapy I know there are colleagues who dislike when I write about subjects like this. In some practitioners minds it should be that they are able to work with any issue that they feel comfortable in doing so. … Continue reading
Hypnotherapy and Discretion Today’s offering is a bit of a complaint, I have been noticing more and more hypnotherapists using “prestige clients” as a means of marketing their services. Now, I am not saying that the rich and famous do … Continue reading