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Wilhelm Reich was born on this day in 1897

Wilhelm Reich was born on this day in 1897. Wilhelm Reich was brought up in the Bukovina region of Galicia on a cattle farm where he was home schooled by tutors, but at the age of 13 his mother committed … Continue reading

Richard Lazarus was born on this day in 1922

Richard Lazarus was born on this day in 1922 Richard Lazarus was a psychologist based in California. He worked on problem focused and emotion focused coping and co-authored (with Susan Folkman) a book called Stress Appraisal and Coping. His work … Continue reading

John Bowlby was born on this day in 1907

John Bowlby was born on this day in 1907 John Bowlby was born in London and brought up mostly by his nanny as he was from an upper class family where his father was a baronet and a doctor to … Continue reading

William James was born on this day in 1842

William James was born on this day in 1842 William James was born in New York City into an intellectual family and was educated in both the USA and Europe. He started off studying art but switched to chemistry at … Continue reading

Carl Rogers was born on this day in 1902.

Carl Rogers was born on this day in 1902. Carl Rogers was born and raised in Chicago  and he was originally interested in agriculture but changed his focus to religion and entered a liberal Protestant seminary in NYC where he … Continue reading

Obesity Surgery and Mental Health

Obesity Surgery and Mental Health There are some out there who believe that obesity is merely a matter of a lack of control which causes people to become fat. This is simply not the case, those of us in the … Continue reading

Be Mindful of Claims of Experience

Be Mindful of Claims of Experience As regular readers of my musings will know, I am a very strong advocate for excellent training for therapists who are providing their services to the public. Good training is the bedrock on which … Continue reading

Hypnotherapy Supervision

Hypnotherapy Supervision One of the proudest accomplishments over my over 30 year career was to establish a nationally accredited qualification in hypnotherapeutic supervision. The necessity of supervision cannot be overstated. However, then as now, clinical experience in and of itself … Continue reading

Another Incarnation of You are Back in the Room

Another Incarnation of You are Back in the Room Regular readers of my musings will know about how much I loath the “Hypnosis Gameshow” You are back in the room. I have a real disliking of hypnosis being shown as … Continue reading

The Vilification of Mental Health

The Vilification of Mental Health I have been debating for days about writing this piece, but have decided to do so as I cannot stomach the vilification of mental health being perpetrated by the current United States Administration. Gun deaths … Continue reading

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