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Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things

Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things I can be argued that all phobia and fear can be broken down into a fear of death or dying. The thought that something may cause us to meet our end is a … Continue reading

Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs

Misophobia or Mysophobia- Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs When many of us were children, we enjoyed playing outside. This play could have consisted of pretend games like cowboys and Indians or war games or other such pretending … Continue reading

Learnt behaviour theory

Learnt behaviour theory This theory is similar to the conditioning theory, but with a difference. That is that here, the subject has learnt from someone else’s experience that an anxiety state is to be expected. For example, a boy’s mother … Continue reading

The Match-mismatch theory & Psychoanalytical theory

The Match-mismatch theory & Psychoanalytical theory The Match-mismatch theory This theory is based on the idea of the subject having an inaccurate expectation of the fear that a situation may provoke. This can work both ways in that an underprediction … Continue reading

Conditioning theory

Conditioning theory Perhaps the most prevalent theory in anxiety research is the theory of conditioning. That is that a person “learns” that something is to be feared through experience. This experience may be a one off experience of may be … Continue reading

Preparedness theory

Preparedness theory One theory of the aetiology of anxiety disorders, particularly specific phobia is that they are an inevitable part of our biology, hard-wired into our brain through the process of evolution, a vestige of the times when seeing a … Continue reading

Mythophobia- Fear of myths or stories or false statements

Mythophobia- Fear of myths or stories or false statements When we are children most of us are taught that the truth is one of the most important things. Lies and lying is considered to be a bad thing and usually … Continue reading

Mnemophobia- Fear of memories

Mnemophobia- Fear of memories It could be said that human beings are a collection of our memories. How we see the world is based on what we have previously experienced. This can be about major things, like familial history or … Continue reading

Musophobia or Muriphobia- Fear of mice

Musophobia or Muriphobia- Fear of mice It could be said that since the beginning of recorded time, man has had an uneasy relationship with rodents. We recognise that they are not a great threat to humans (the exception of course … Continue reading

Mottephobia- Fear of moths

Mottephobia- Fear of moths There are many types of winged creatures which come into our space. Some are majestic like an eagle some are beautiful like the butterfly. However, one of the more disliked winged creature is the moth. Generally, … Continue reading

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