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Why do we need training in Stress Management?

Why do we need training in Stress Management?

At present 17% of all sickness within industry stress related in one form or another.  In industry it costs around 3.4 billion pounds a year in stress related in illness.  That equates to approximately 6.7 million working days a year.  That is one in five people suffering a stress related disorder.  It now comes as one of the main reasons why people go sick from work following on from accidents at work and muscular skeletal injuries.

In some cases such as hypertension it has reached almost epidemic proportions and it is something that needs to be looked at both on a personal level and at organisational levels.

The training is an objective look at what stress is, how to identify it within you and others, the signs and symptoms of stress and most importantly how to deal with it. Stress can be resolved, not overnight as it has often deep rooted problems that need resolving.  You may not need this training at the minute, but it may prove useful in the future, and it may help your colleges or even the people you deal with on a day to day basis.  You will be surprised at what stress can actually do and how you can help resolve it.

You may have ideas in your mind of what stress is, or you may have read what it is all about, today will build on that or give you a better perspective.  Keep an open mind.

Who Cares!!

That is right ‘who cares’ for those who suffer from stress?  Most companies see stress as something that is seen as just a word, because you can’t see it then it must be n the imagination of those people suffering.  It is true however that those who have suffered stress are the ones that are sympathetic to how you are.

But sometimes the views of people who do not suffer see stress as the Backache of the industry as it can not be proved!!!!!What do you think of that?

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