What is Personal Construct Psychology Pt 3
Individuality Corollary Our construct systems are personal and unique, so no two people react identically to a given stimulus. This is why some subjects react well to some therapies and therapists and not others.
Organisation Corollary Each person characteristically evolves, for his convenience in anticipating events, a construction system with relationships between constructs. We have a hierarchical way of organising our constructs, for example, man. Man is subsumed under people, who are in turn under mammals, animals, life etc. This is useful as a form of shorthand.
Dichotomy Corollary A person’s construction system is made up of a finite number of dichotomous constructs. This is the bipolar nature of the constructs. Being ‘sad’ would just be mood if there is no concept of ‘happy’ to give a bipolar construct.
Choice Corollary Persons choose for themselves that alternative, in a dichotomous construct, which they think will be more suitable. So they attempt to move from confusion to understanding.
Range Corollary A construct is convenient for the anticipation of a finite range of events only. This points out the difference between a concept and a construct. A construct can take account of context so ‘furniture’ while at home would not include office furniture, perhaps, while the concept of furniture would.