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What is Autogenic Therapy Pt 3

What is Autogenic Therapy Pt 3

First Exercise – Heaviness

Begin with your dominant arm.  Silently, meaningfully, repeat the formula:-

(a)  My right arm is growing limp and heavy                   6-8 times

(b)  My right arm is growing heavier and heavier             6-8 times

(c)  My right arm is completely heavy                              6-8 times

(d) I feel supremely calm                                                  Once


Then open your eyes and “throw away” the heaviness.  Bend your arm back and forth a few times, take a few deep breaths, then begin the cycle again.  Including the “warm up”, spend about 7 to 10 minutes at this 2 or 3 times a day.

Do the heaviness exercise with your right arm for 3 days.  After that, for the following 3 days, continue with the same formula but with the following substitution:-

My left arm is growing limp and heavy                                       6-8 times

Both my arms are growing limp and heavy                                  6-8 times

My right leg is growing limp and heavy                                      6-8 times

My left leg is growing limp and heavy                                         6-8 times

Both my legs are growing limp and heavy                                   6-8 times

My arms and legs are growing limp and heavy                            6-8 times

Second Exercise – Warmth

This is to teach you to arouse a feeling of warmth in yourself at will.  Steps to follow:-

(a)  Begin with the “warm-up” for about 2 minutes.

(b)  Do one cycle of the previous formula for heaviness in the arms and legs.

The exercise then follows the same general formula, eg:-

My right arm is growing limp and warm                                      6-8 times

My right arm is growing warmer and warmer                              6-8 times

My right arm is completely warm                                                6-8 times

I feel supremely calm                                                                    Once

Do the above exercise for three days then bring together the formulae for heaviness and warmth:-

My arms and legs are growing limp and heavy and warm           6-8 times

My arms and legs are growing heavier and warmer                     6-8 times

My arms and legs are completely heavy and warm                     6-8 times

I feel supremely calm                                                                    Once


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