Welcome to Brookhouse Hypnotherapy Manchester’s Blog
Hello thanks so much for visiting my website. I have now created this blog so that you can get an idea about some of the issues that I believe are important, not just to me, but to you as a potential client. Websites are great, but with this blog, I hope to give you a feel for me as a practitioner. I have been practising hypnotherapy since 1989 and been in Manchester since 1991. Additionally, I have been a psychotherapist since 1995 and UKCP Accredited since 1996. I will be writing a blog very soon about the importance of accreditation for hypnotherapists and psychotherapists, which I believe all clients/potential clients should read before engaging a therapist. Well that is all for this entry, I will be writing more today perhaps on accreditation or perhaps on a different topic. In any event, thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to be of service to you in the future.