Utilising Parts Therapy in Hypno-Psychotherapy Pt 5
1) The slow, hard way to reach and convince the subconscious is by repetition.
2) Identification with group or parent: If you are Irish you may have a subconscious desire to show off your socalled “Irish temper,” which is merely an idea accepted because you are a member of a group. Again, you may have been told “You’re just like your father” often enough to have accepted some of his habits as your own.
3) Ideas presented by authority figures are usually accepted as absolute truths by the subconscious. (p 15)
4) Intense emotion opens up the corridor to the subconscious because the conscious mind is inhabited by emotions. If a child s badly frightened by a dog, he may fear dogs for the rest of his life, in spite of his conscious reasoning that the average dog is not only harmless, but friendly. (p 16)
5) The fifth way to subconscious change is hypnosis, and this method is much more practical and effective than the other… Hypnosis is the fastest and shortest route to the subconscious.
Faith in your religion can be intensified by hypnosis and it can help you live a better, more useful life.
History has recorded a continuing controversy over whether or not humans have “free will.” Many great philosophers, including Schopenhaur and Einstein, have maintained that, since we are obviously products of our inheritance and our environment, our choices in any given situation is determined by our attitudes, desires and opinions, which are the result of those that preceded them, and then those the preceded them, and so on back to our childhood when our attitudes, opinions and resulting desires were implanted in our subconscious mind by our environment. We are obviously product of factors beyond our control, and to many this seems to deny that we have free will or moral responsibility. But we have the wherewithal to modify these previously learned behaviour patterns by eliminating destructive or anti-social ideas while in hypnosis, and replace them with positive, truthful concepts that will enrich our lives. Hence our free will. (p 19)