Utilising Parts Therapy in Hypno-Psychotherapy Pt 4
The most common reference to âParts Therapyâ within Hypno-Psychotherapy is based on the works of Charles Tebbetts, a protégé of the late Gil Boyne. In his book Miracles on Demand he discusses the following: (Taken from Chaplain Paul Durbin, PhD)
NOTES FROM SELF-HYPNOSIS: (By Charles Tebbetts. (1984) Westwood Publishing Co. Glendale, CA.): Since the subconscious mind is our driving force, we always do what our subconscious believes. Since it will believe anything it is told we can reprogram it if we bypass the conscious mind and substitute new, constructive ideas for its existing negative ones. Then they must be reinforced daily until they become well entrenched habits of thinking. (p 6)
SIX FUNCTIONS OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS: (What the subconscious believes is the difference between success and failure, sickness and health and happiness and unhappiness. It has six vital functions:
1) It serves as a memory bank of computer. Nothing we have ever learned or experienced is, in strict scientific literalness, ever erased from these cell patterns unless a portion of the brain is injured or removed. (p 8) (Hypnosis is helpful in recalling past history and in improving memory, concentration and recall.)
2) The subconscious controls and regulates the involuntary functions of the body, such as breathing, circulation, digestion and elimination. Since tension or stress inhibit these process, they are responsible for the symptoms of psychosomatic illness. (p 9) (Hypnosis is a helpful tool to re-establishing their normal functions because it can reach the controlling force.) We cannot emphasize too strongly, though, that a medical doctor should be consulted to be certain the disease is psychosomatic before proceeding with this method of treatment. (p 10) (Hypnosis can be used to enhance healing in conjunction with medical treatment when the illness is not psychosomatic.)
3) The subconscious is the seat our emotions and this accounts for its domination of the conscious mind. Since the emotions govern the strength of our desires, and since our desires govern our behaviour, we are at the mercy of our subconscious unless we learn to control it. When we have conflicting desires, the subconscious one usually wins. (p 10) Subconscious beliefs can cure or kill you. (p. 11)
4) The subconscious it the seat of the imagination. Many people say the have no imagination, but although they may have suppressed it, it is still there and active, often working against their best interest and well-being. (p. 11) Creative imagination is one of the great secrets of success. All great artistic, musicians, engineers and architects draw their so-called talent from their subconscious minds. Most of the greatest works of art were created while the artist was in some form of self hypnosis. In this state, the imagination is dominant while the reasoning mind is dormant, and creative powers are at their peak. Mozart claimed his musical inspiration were formed like dreams, independent of his will. Coleridge created Kubla Kahn “in his sleep.” New ton solved most of his mathematical problems while in so-called dreams. Goethe said his greatest poems were written while in a dreamlike state. (p 12) (One’s imagination can work for good or bad according to how the individual uses it.)
5) The subconscious carries out our habitual conduct. It manages and controls the activity we have reduced to habit. (p 13)
6) The subconscious is the dynamo that directs our energy, the energy that drives us toward our goals in life… The subconscious mind is not suppose to think, but to react to the thoughts you give it, and carry out your orders. It is much easier to direct the subconscious than to let it push you around. It is intended to be the servant and you were intended to be the boss, and if yours has not pushed you toward success and happiness it is time you started giving the orders! (p 13)
In what is called the “hypnotic sigh.” The subject becomes highly responsive to suggestion and direction, and although he can be selective in the suggestions he will accept or reject, he tends to carry out any suggestion that he doesn’t mind accepting. All of theses signs of hypnosis do not occur in every subject, but they are all sings of either entering or being in a trance state. (p 31)
Hypnotherapy also works on the principle that most diseases are psychosomatic and are chose subconsciously to escape from a situation the client perceives as an overload of stress. The mental stress caused by destructive emotions such as anger, hatred, resentment or fear often impair the functioning of the body’s immune system and is therefore the indirect cause of physical illness. (p 51)