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Tis The Season To Feel Low

Tis The Season To Feel Low

With all the festivities happening, parties and get togethers, advertisements about happy families and children being excited for the arrival of Father Christmas, remember not everyone will be feeling quite so merry. The holiday season can expose cracks in a person’s life that is far easier to conceal in the regular season. Depression and anxiety can be rife at this time of year for people who perhaps have no family, or are estranged from their children.

I am not trying to put a downer on the holidays, what I am trying to do is ensure that we are aware that just because all is well for us, that does not mean all is well for everyone. I have already written about the importance of the Christmas Spirit, and this is a plea on the same basis. At this time of year, where possible come off social media and go out and see people in the flesh. If that is not possible, please try to make contact with people who perhaps you have not been in touch with for a while. Just let them know you are thinking of them.

Perhaps if you are at a lose end this Christmas you can volunteer some time to help those less fortunate then ourselves. It would be good for them and it would be good for you as well.

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