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It’s Time To Take A Walk

It’s Time To Take A Walk

Research shows that people in middle age need to walk and walk faster. Inactivity is something that should concern all of us as being a potential public health disaster, as people become more and more sedentary in their day to day lives. Activity is something I have written on in the past when it comes to overall health and wellbeing, but particularly when it comes to weight management. For decades, I have worked with people who want to get some control over their weight. This is something that is not as simple as imagining that you have had a gastric band fitted when you are in hypnosis.

Calories in must be less than calories burned. This is the only way to lose weight, it is the generally accepted formula for weight loss. Yes, I question the efficacy of things like the hypnotic gastric band, I do not question the efficacy of using hypnosis with psychotherapy and motivational psychology to help people to achieve this goal.

Indeed, this combination can be very effective indeed in helping people to become more active in their day to day lives. I strongly urge people to read Being Active: A Guide for Hypnotherapy Weight Control Clients, written by my friend and colleague Fiona Biddle and Professor Stuart Biddle.

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