Thousands More NHS Mental Health Staff
It has been announced by Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, that by 2020-21 one million more mental health patients will be treated by the NHS. Thousands of new therapists, mental health nurses and psychiatrists will be recruited. Now, this on the surface is a very good thing. It is essential that mental health gets the recognition that physical health gets. However, it is somewhat questionable as to how these targets will be met. Recruitment requires funds and there does not seem to be the funds available to make this programme a reality.
It seems to men that there is an opportunity for the NHS and the private sector to work together in order to meet the needs of those suffering with mental disturbance. Now I am not suggesting that the NHS mental health provision should be private, but rather allow practitioners in private practice to assist those in the public sector in meeting the demand.
This, I believe is one of the critical issues regarding mental health provision. All too often it is seen as a them and us thing when it comes to the public and private sector. If we are to meet the needs of the many people who suffer with mental health issues we must find a new partnership in order to move provision forward for the good of all.