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Therapeutic Self Care

Therapeutic Self Care

There is a lot of very heavy things happening in the world today. It would be foolish to believe that these events for not effect our clients, as well as ourselves. Indeed, when clients bring to the office issues relating to the big questions in life it can be a strain on therapists to keep it together and to be able to remain effective.

Of course, clinical supervision, is one good way to take care of oneself. However, for a practitioner to be truly rounded and in my view health, he or she must also learn to take care of him or herself. The world for therapists must not only be the consulting room. Rather it should also to be engaged in all of the pleasures life has to offer. I suggest things like dog walking, going to the seaside for a stroll and a nice lunch, maybe even just wandering around the high street window shopping or even real shopping if the mood strikes you.

It may seem twee but these simple things can help the practitioner to be healthy in mind and body. Just one last thought on therapeutic self care, whenever possible do the things I described above with someone you love and care about, the additional perspective may surprise you.

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