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The use of technology in psychotherapy training: some research-informed reflections part 8

The use of technology in psychotherapy training: some research-informed reflections part 8


To start, here are a couple of quotes which sum up the issue quite nicely:

“A common criticism of Web-enhanced course design is that online components are bells and whistles tacked onto traditional courses, which are costly to add and only minimally enhance the course content. This criticism may well have merit when online delivery focuses solely on providing course content, but fails to create a learning environment that supports the growth of a community of learners and shared knowledge. If courses are nothing more than content, then all students would need is their textbook. Faculty members, however, view the learning community as essential for cognitive growth and the development of critical thinking skills. Similarly, online educators recognize the importance of creating a learning environment that fosters interaction, dialogue, and mentoring in an effort to produce similar learning outcomes as traditional face-to-face courses.” (Stewart, C. et al, 2009)

“Electronic elements of training are a good complement to face-to-face training and will achieve some aspects of learning that face-to-face training alone would not achieve. This leads to the conclusion that blended learning in psychotherapy could be most effective and appropriate.” (Van Deurzen et al., 2006)

Although the field is at an early stage in adopting online training and digital technology, we have enough research now to begin to inform the ways in which we integrate this effectively and  productively into psychotherapy training.


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