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The Success Formula

The Success Formula

Another formula, you might find useful which is designed (by Fiona Biddle and myself) to show the elements required in a process to have a successful outcome:

Success = goal +
movement +

If we use a football analogy, success (scoring), requires a goal (literally), movement of the player, resources (ie a ball) and anabsence of obstacles (ie players of the other team) OR getting round
the obstacles.

In terms of therapy, let’s look at each of these elements:

Goal: if you don’t know where you are going, you probably won’€™t getthere. Therefore you need to set targets. What does success mean to you in the short and long term?

Movement: that means you doing things, taking action and not just sitting, waiting for clients to drop metaphorically into your lap.

Resources: things such as this manual, the Internet, journals, colleagues, and professional societies, all of which can assist you in achieving success

Obstacles: these can be internal or external. For example, fear of success and lack of knowledge are internal obstacles, and lots of competition and inappropriate premises are external obstacles.

Master these elements, and you will be far more likely to achieve your dreams on a consistent basis.


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