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The Power of Connectedness

The Power of Connectedness

For today’s posting I have been musing on the power of connections between people. One of the things that I have seen much of in my practice is people that feel that they are truly alone, that they have no connection with the outstide world or the people in it. This is often not the reality, but it is the client’s reality. However, there are some who do have connections but do not see them or the connections are not the way they want them.

Connections make life worth living and give us the emotional and psychological strength to go through this world. I should mention at this stage there is a world of difference between connections and attachments. Attachments can often be unhealthy psychologically and can elicit emotions which are less than positive. Connections are fluid, by which I mean, changeable and returnable. One moment the connection is one thing, then another, then back to the original.

Genuine connections transcend distance and experiences they are the glue that hold us together which each other. I encourage my clients to foster their connections, but remain flexible about them. Allow the connections to take their course without conscious effort and the connections become the very fibre of our existence.

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