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The Pain of Moving On

The Pain of Moving On

I had been working with a client recently and on the promise of anonymity she has agreed to allow me to use her case in today’s post. She was seeing me for therapy because of the breakdown of a relationship. This is not an uncommon thing at all, indeed a very common reason for people to present for therapy. She had believed that her previous partner left her because he was unable to commit to a relationship.

Some weeks ago, she discovered that he has found another partner. She was naturally devastated, as clearly he moved on and she hadn’t. Love is a really peculiar beastie as it can take people to the height of ecstasy and the depths of despair. It is the great metaphor of life that without the hurt life can bring you cannot know the joy of life.

People will recover from the ending of a relationship at different times and in different ways. Sometimes it feels as though a person may never recover. It is important for people to acknowledge to themselves at least, how deep their hurt it. For only by acknowledging where a person is at honestly, can they hope to move forward into a new, but different life.

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