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The Four Reactions to Stress

The Four Reactions to Stress

Stress can affect us both psychologically and physical, it is cumulative and builds up like a bottle of lemonade and eventually the cork pops and the lemonade erupts.  Think of a pressure cooker, all that pressure, look what it did to the food inside of it and how quick it got to boiling point.

The four areas of human functioning are as follows: –

  • Physical Effects
  • Emotional effects
  • Mental Affects
  • Behavioural Effects

Over the next several entries I will go through each of the above. It is quite important to recognised these reactions as it can help you as a sufferer of stress to better recognise your own symptoms and to perhaps get a better handle on them. For a practitioner is it useful to know these reactions as it can help us to help our clients better.

As I have said in previous postings, stress in and of itself is not a bad thing at all, in fact we all require it to stay alive. It is how we deal with stress in these four areas of human functioning which make a stressful experience either positive or negative. Improve the responses in these areas and improve your life.


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