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The Allegory of Easter Sunday

The Allegory of Easter Sunday

Well I started this series with the allegory of Good Friday, moving on to Easter Saturday so we have now come to the end which is the allegory of Easter Sunday. The story of Easter is for Christians the story of the resurrection of which the entirety of the religion is based. This idea that Jesus was dead then rose again to heaven gives Christians the hope that there is something better for them in the here after.

I choose to look at it therapeutically. In other words, if Good Friday represents the death of the negative behaviour, belief or attitude, and Easter Saturday represents the work needed to get to the desired state, then Easter Sunday is the creation of the new and improved self which came from the work laid down by the previous two days. The hope of anyone who attends therapy is that they will improve themselves as people. To me this is not at all that different from the idea of the resurrection in Christianity being about hope for a new and better future.

Now whatever you believe or not at this time of year, I hope that you use it for contemplation of where you are and where you want to be. Ensure as well you are spending the time with the people you love and care about.

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