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Stoptober and Hypnotherapy

Stoptober and Hypnotherapy

Here in the UK you would have to have your head buried in the sand not to notice the mass advertising for “Stoptober” which is an initiative to get people to pack in smoking in the month of October. I could spend an inordinate time going over the benefits as to why stopping smoking would be a good idea for anyone who is currently wrestling with the habit, but that would be like “teaching grandma to suck eggs”. Everyone, including smokers, know the benefits of becoming a non smoker.

When people think about stopping smoking, they are often recommended to use NRT or Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Studies show that using NRT can assist people with smoking cessation, but they are by no means a magic bullet. These treatments help to wean you off nicotine, however, nicotine is not the reason why people remain smokers. Habit which is a psychological process is the reason most people remain as smokers.

Hypnotherapy has been shown to be a very effective way to break the smoking habit once and for all. It helps to harness your willpower and desire to be a non-smoker. Indeed in The New Scientist vol 136 issue 1845 p6  Frank Schmidt and research student Chockalingham Viswesvaran from the University of Iowa conducted a meta-analysis, utilising the results of more than 600 studies totalling nearly 72,000 people. The results, which were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and included 48 studies of hypnosis covering 6000 smokers, clearly showed that hypnosis was three times more effective than Nicotine Replacement.

If you want to stop smoking in October, why not consider Hypnotherapy and better still why not consider stopping with me.

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