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Self Esteem and Social Media

Self Esteem and Social Media

I have safely landed in the UK to find an article about Jameela Jamil regarding women and girl’s self esteem and social media. The article basically says that in becoming obsessed about imperfection is time taken away from developing as human beings becoming educated or starting a business. She is absolutely right and her campaign “I weigh” which is a celbebration of achievements rather than looks or weight has great merit.

I promise that this will be the last reference to Cuba for a while, but I could not help but notice the variations in appearance of the people there. This is men and women, all going out of their way to look good and celebrate who they are despite their shape or weight.

To me there seemed to be a real acceptance of the self and being happy to celebrate it. The did not seem to be any hint of judgement in these people, nor was there a one upsmanship either. It all seemed quite healthy to me and a lesson that many of us should learn. Size and shape are irrelevant to who we are as human beings, and it would be nice if people were celebrated for that far more than their dress or suit size.

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