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Ronseal Turns to Hypnosis

Ronseal Turns to Hypnosis

Ronseal the product which DIY’ers rely on have done a bank holiday ad campaign using a tongue in cheek version of hypnosis to motivate people to not spend the weekend Netflixing, but rather to get up and be active doing some DIY. Now, I have been critical of companies in the past using hypnosis as a punchline, in this case I am actually quite impressed.

Impressed primarily because I think the message is a good one. We all tend to spend far too much time during Bank Holidays, lounging around eating and drinking too much and just choosing the TV than doing anything creative or active. Now I am no DIY’er, it’s something my Grandpa tried to teach me, but it never stuck. I think, however, that DIY is a great way to keep active and even fit. This by doing something that is useful and necessary (after all that wall won’t paint itself)

So, whilst Easter was for contemplation, let’s make the Bank Holiday Monday something more about activity and movement which is good for not only our physical, but also our mental health. The trick to being healthy in many respects is to do the things that you are able to do for yourself. DYI is something that you can do for yourself and/or with family and friends.

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