Level 1.0
Verbal and non-verbal responses communicate overt disrespect, or negative regard, declaring the other person’s feelings and experiences unworthy of consideration. The helper may make herself/himself the focus of the evaluation, actively disapprove of behaviour, impose her/his own values or beliefs, dominate the conversation, challenge the accuracy of the other’s perception, or depreciate the worth of the other by communicating that she/he is incapable of acting constructively or functioning appropriately on her/his own.
Level 2.0
The helper communicates little respect for the feelings, potentials, or experiences of the other person. She/he may ignore what the other says, respond in a casual, passive, or mechanical manner, and withhold herself/himself from involvement. She/he may decline to enter into a relationship or display a lack of concern or interest.
Level 3.0
The helper communicates a positive concern and respect for the other person’s feelings and her/his ability to act constructively and express herself/himself. The counsellor suspends her/his own judgement of the other and communicates an openness or willingness to enter into a relationship.
Level 4.0
The helper affirms the worth and value of the other person by her/his efforts to understand and by her/his communication of very deep respect, concern and care. She/he is open and willing to invest herself/himself enough to risk receiving potentially hurtful feedback in order to further the relationship. Her/his responses enable the other person to feel valued as an individual and free to be herself/himself.
Level 5.0
The helper communicates the very deepest respect for the other person’s worth, value and potential as a separate individual who is free to be her/himself. She/he communicates her/his caring for, valuing, and appreciation of the other as a unique person. After the relationship is well established, respect may entail challenging the other person to achieve her/his goals and take responsibility for her/himself. Expectations and personal reactions such as disappointment and irritation may be expressed provided they are couched in goodwill and helpful intent. Encouragement and praise may also be shared.