Prince Harry Mental Health Champion
This morning I was reading an article about how Prince Harry went to counselling in his 20s to deal with the death of his mother Diana, Princess of Wales. It is certainly not uncommon for people to get therapy to help them deal with the loss of a loved one. What particularly struck me was how candid he was about his experiences.
I have said many times that we need people in the public eye to talk candidly about mental health issues. You don’t get much higher profile than Prince Harry. If we are to ever truly reach the stage that mental health is seen as important and “normal” as physical health, we need articles like this.
When people can identify with people they know who have mental health issues it makes it far less frightening. Mental health should not be something to fear, but the old stigma still exists for some people. Articles like this do far more to take the fear and stigma away than experts like me banging on and on about it.
This is a great example of what our Royal Family do for the public good, I think we should be grateful for this new generation of Royals who use their position to advance impotant issues the effect the lives of many ordinary citizens.