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Is Persistence the Key to Therapeutic Success

Is Persistence the Key to Therapeutic Success

Being a specialist practitioner in hypo-psychotherapy, I often see clients who have been to other types of therapists. For whatever reason their previous therapeutic experiences were not the right match for them. I never cease to be impressed when people who have tried various types of therapy (even different practitioners in the same modality) continue to strive to achieve their therapeutic goals.

They key to therapeutic success, as far as I see it, is a client’s persistence. Therapy is not an easy process, despite many (particularly in the hypnotherapy world) trying to tell people it is. Therapy is an earnest process which requires honesty by both the practitioner and client. Often the therapeutic process, can go forward only to slip backwards from time to time. It is in those back sliding times persistence is essential. Rather than to simply give you and say it doesn’t work, it is essential to move through this and see what it is that has caused the slide and mend it.

As with anything in life, if you are persistent you are far more likely to achieve your goal. Therapy is no different. Indeed without persistence, therapy as a process could not exist.

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