Online Dating and the Ego
One of the most common issues I deal with in my practice is people feeling less than themselves. This can be easily defined as a lack of confidence, or lack of self esteem or self worth. If you have read my posts in the past you will recall my concerns about social media when it comes to the ego, but just a great a concern and potential problem is the online dating phenomena.
Clients come to me sometimes because they feel lonely and alone which gets compounded by their foray into the world of online dating. Now obviously, this is not the case for all, but for those who struggle, it is the notion of being judged by a picture and a brief description. The very nature of the medium means that this is the only way for this to work.
However, when a person feels low or less than themselves, the rejection of either having no dates or even being ignored, can be difficult to bare. I have helped clients to overcome this feeling of unworthiness and to regain a sense of perspective. Ultimately, no one has the right to make anyone feel less than who they are.
If you are out there in the online dating world, please make sure that you keep yourself grounded, nothing everyone has intrinsic value which comes from within not without.