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Mind Your Social Media Presence

Mind Your Social Media Presence

Most of you who may be reading this are reading this via a social media platform. Social media has truly changed the way people can communicate with each other and when done well this can be a very good thing indeed. I tell my students that therapists can use social media as a means of getting the word out to the public what you stand for and what makes you unique.

However, I also warn that there are risks as medial reports have shown lately, ill thought out social media comments have led to job losses, resignations, and even the loss of credibility for the most powerful person in the world. There is a time and a place for everything. Social media may seem like the best place to vent. However, there is a professional implications for our opinions and therapists have a special requirement to make sure that we are mindful that our personal views can effect the way we are seen by those we work with.

If you are a therapist please be aware of what you say and what your clients may think about you when you give your personal world view.

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