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The Largest and Friendliest Hypnosis Convention

The Largest and Friendliest Hypnosis Convention

This has always been a special time of year for me. For many of the 28 years I have been in practice this has been the beginning of the 10 days of the largest and friendliest hypnosis convention in the world. I have been teaching at this event for a number of years and it is always great fun to see old friends and make some new ones along the way.

For many people in our profession here in the UK, there is a surprise that the US profession is so limited in what is it allowed to do. Every state in the US has its own laws when it comes to what hypnosis practitioners can do when it comes to their work.

In the US, unless one is licensed as a mental or medical health professional, one can only use hypnosis for non therapeutic purposes. This generally equates to stress management, smoking and weight management.

Despite these limitations, there are always well over 200 presentataions on all aspects of hypnosis from the clinical to the esoteric. A trip to the NGH Convention always recharges the professional batteries and leaves one more enthusiastic about the work that we do.

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