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Jung’s Theoretical Position Part 2

Jung’s Theoretical Position Part 2

Universal Influences

A number of central theoretical propositions underpin Jung’s psychology.  It is important  to understand the essence of his theoretical platform as he applies principles from physics and thermodynamics to explain factors of human personality. He held the view that individuals are part of a universal process and as organisms in the universe operate by the same principles, the view that we are spiritually connected to a universal matrix. The principles he identifies are extremely complex and cannot be viewed in isolation as they are mutually influencing and reciprocal.

Principle of Equivalence

In Jungian terms, this concept suggests that the amount of energy in  a system is essentially fixed, or that there is only so much energy. If energy from one part of the system is removed it will show up in another. Energy can only be displaced, not destroyed.  Jung claimed that if one component of the psyche is overvalued, it will be at the expense of other components. If a continual  overvaluing of one part of the psyche occurs at the expense of underdeveloped aspects, then an imbalance and consequent psychological disturbance will occur.

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