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Is There a Correlation Between The Trump Presidency and Psychotherapy Enquiries

Is There a Correlation Between The Trump Presidency and Psychotherapy Enquiries

It would be appear to be so, atleast in the United States. This is based on a longitudinal analysis of the search engine term “psychotherapist near me”. The increase of 56.1% between the dates of February 2015 and February 2018. Spikes occurred November 2016 and again in January 2017 according to SEMrush. This is a firm which specialising in search engine data and analysis.

For those of us who are involved in psychotherapy professionally this backs up the long held belief that politics can be a causative or contributing factor to a person’s mental wellbeing. I have written about this many times. The interesting twist to this is that Mr Trump has the ability to play the “I’m just like you, I am an outsider being maligned by the media” Sadly the more the media tends to belittle him the more “regular Joes and Janes” start to believe the narrative which makes him appear the underdog

Politics both here and the United States is no longer trying to prove a point with reasoned arguement, but rather that people don’t need evidence, just a belief that they are right based purely on emotion. Sadly, we have accepted this as tha new reality and that is throwing off our moral compass and thus damaging our mental health.

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