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Is Depression Genetic

Is Depression Genetic

This is a question I get asked regularly by clients. It seems to me that it might be easier for sufferers of depression to be able to say that their condition is genetic and thereby taking the stigma away from the condition, at least in their minds.

In April 2017, Molecular Psychiatry published an article titled, “Collaborative meta-analysis finds no evidence of a strong interaction between stress and 5-HTTLPR genotype contributing to the development of depression.” So it would appear the answer to the big question is depression genetic is no.

This, however, does not negate the idea that research needs to be done to get a better idea of depression and how it impacts both the mind and body. One cannot deny that there are forms of depression which respond better, at least in the first instance, to medication interventions whilst others respond very well to the talking therapies.

The important thing to consider is this depression, in whatever form it takes, needs to be de-stigmatised in order for the public to get a better understanding of it, and for sufferers to feel safe in discussing their condition and getting the help they need. This change in attitude could be the therapeutic silver bullet to assist depressed people in a really practical sense.

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