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The Importance of Self Renewal

The Importance of Self Renewal

I thought I would write about the importance of self renewal today after a conversation I had with an old friend and colleague. We, as therapists, are in the renewal business. One of our most important purposes is to help clients to reconnect and in many cases renew themselves and their relationships with themselves. It got me thinking, this friend of mine has been in the profession a little longer than me and as we spoke it occurred to me that he was in a rut. He had been doing the same thing over and over again and had lost his connection with the work. Don’t get me wrong, he is still an excellent practitioner, but the spark has gone.

This got me thinking of CPD and Conventions, these should be opportunities for us as practitioners to reinvigorate ourselves and our love for the work we do. A new technique or philosophical bent can really help us to renew our connection with our work, our clients and even ourselves. For my many friends and colleagues out there, I offer this suggestion because we owe it to our clients and ourselves to be at our very best and in order to be so, we must evolve as practitioners and as people. Let’s make a commitment to our professional renewal this year and see how that effects the clients around us as well as ourselves.

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