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If you are going through hell keep going

If you are going through hell keep going

To me this is one of the greatest quotes by Churchill which relates to my work. As many people know, Churchill suffered acutely with depression most of his life. In his case, rather than conventional therapy he took to his paint box to paint out his black dogs. I mention this only because it is my belief that this quote had many meanings including his own battle with depression

So often clients come to my office in a state of utter despondency and despair and believe that they cannot cope with whatever it is they are going through. Indeed many want to simply stop trying and just stay where they are. I have soften used this quote therapeutically to remind clients that though things are awful at the moment that if they continue to press on and move forward the time will come when this will pass and that will experience a new sense of renewal and hope.

Hope is, in my view, a cornerstone of all therapy. The belief that there is always the possibility of things getting better is what allows us to wake up in the morning and to move forward.

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