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I Love My Body Because He Loves My Body

I Love My Body Because He Loves My Body

Whilst trying to decide what to write about today, I cam across an article about a soap star who made said “I love my body because he loves my body. He has made be feel so worthy”. This article was about this star’s relationship with her boyfriend. Whilst, of course, it is nice that the two of them are happy; what is disconcerting is the fact that this star has placed her locus of evaluation so much into the hands of another person.

It would be daft to say that the opinion of others is irrelevant in our lives, that simply is not the case. However, for our well being, our body image, our sens of who we are must ideally come for within ourselves. The reason for that can be simply explained by the fact that if you derive your sense of well being from yourself, no one can take that from you. If you are reliant upon another person, that person can always remove his/her favour for no reason at all.

Body image is such a big issue now for boy and girls, men and women, wouldn’t it be nice to read that someone famous believes in themselves no matter what the outside world might think?

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