Hypnotherapy to Help Anxiety
When my students ask me what is the most common issue I work with in practice is, I will never hesitate it is anxiety related issues. This should not be a surprise to anyone. We live in anxious times. Be that Brexit or job security or family difficulties, anxiety seems to be on everyone’s mind at the moment.
Hypnotherapy has many advantages when working with anxiety. In the first instance, if a hypnotherapist uses progressive relaxation as a means of induction, the actual act of hypnosis can aid the relaxation needed to assist anxiety. Hypnotherapy can also be used to look for the root cause of anxiety through techniques like regression. Alternatively, hypnotherapy can be used in conjunction with more solution oriented approaches to help a person to resolve things in the here and now which will have an impact on their future.
Finally sometimes, just having a safe space to discuss your feelings can be therapeutic in and of itself. Sometimes it can be a relief just to share the feelings of anxiety with someone who will not judge you or try to solve your problems, but will give you the space for you to solve it can be most helpful. You see that there are many ways that hypnotherapy can help with treating anxiety issues.