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Happy World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day

Well it has been 25 years since the inception of World Mental Health Day. The success of this is certainly observable. In recent years, there can be little doubt that the stigma is bringing to be lifted for those who suffer with mental health issues. Mental health has be championed by celebrities, athletes and even royalty so the inception of events like World Mental Health Day are important without question.

However, mental health is not something we should only focus on when the latest notable talks about it or on days which are designed to make us aware of it. Rather we should be taking mental health as seriously as people take physical health. If you think about it, how many apps or devices are designed in order for us to monitor our physical health? Now compare that to the ones which are designed to assist in mental wellness. You get my point one still clearly dominates the other.

People need to be taking their mental health as seriously as their physical health. The NHS, the private and third sectors all have their part to play in this national focus. We are making great strides in awareness, now the same must happen regarding the treatment and care of mental health issues.

Remember, not everyone needs a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, some people just need random acts of kindness. These can be as simple as an acknowledgement with a wave or smile, even simply asking how a person is and really being interested enough to listen to their answer can be a great comfort for a person who is in difficulty.

My colleagues will be doing what we do every day, which is to help those who are in crisis try to manage better and healthier. If you are not a professional practitioner why not make today a day to be aware of those around you and to show genuine care and interest in the mental well being of those around you.

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