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Five Celebrity Diets To Avoid

Five Celebrity Diets To Avoid

This is a rather timely piece as I am teaching the third module of the Foundations in Hypno-Psychotherapy training which includes the use of hypnosis in the treatment of weight management. The British Dietetic Association has listed five diets to avoid, which again is timely as this is the time people begin to think about New Year’s resolutions and many of those have to do with losing weight.

The diets in question are:

  • Raw Vegan
  • Alkaline
  • Katie Price – Nutritional Supplements
  • Pioppi Diet
  • Ketogenic

The reasons cited for inclusion of these diets mainly deal with them being unproven and claims that were being made were suspect.

In order to lose weight a person generally needs to ingest less calories than they are burning off, this will in most if not all cases lead to weight reduction. This process takes time, as it takes time to put weight on. Hypnosis can be effective in working with the client in order to help to motivate them to a healthier lifestyle. Also to help them to become more motivate to be more active in their day to day lives. Finally, hypnosis can help a person to reassess their relationship with food and help to create a more healthy one. These factors can be enough to help a person make those all important first steps in order to help to secure the weight loss they are looking to achieve.

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