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Everyone Deserves an Ego Boost, Even Therapists

Everyone Deserves and Ego Boost, Even Therapists

Usually I post more factual posts, but something happened today to remind me about one of the most important aspects of our works as therapists……helping people to feel good about themselves. I was leaving my London Office where a young man stopped me to talk. He said, he runs a fashion blog and takes and publishes pictures of stylish men he comes into contact with. I posed for a couple of pictures and he went on his way. I carried on my way but started to think, how good his intervention made me feel.

I think as people we can often forget that even those who appear confident and self assured can often use a bit of a pick me up. It does not have to be a huge gesture, but to be made to feel special is not something one should ever underestimate. I spend my career helping to find things about themselves to feel good about. Perhaps that a great deal of therapeutic work could be expedited if we tell the people we care about or even random strangers that they are interesting and worthwhile.

Will this work for everyone, of course not, but for this human being it was nice to be recognized as being stylish. Thank you Joe

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