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Elements for Intervention Strategies

Elements of Intervention Strategies

These are strategies which I commonly use with clients:

  • guide the client through a guided imagery to experience intensely the emotions associated with achieving and/or not achieving the goal
  • build an awareness and acceptance of how things will be, both en route, and when the goal is achieved
  • suggest (following discussion) substitutes for current behaviour, where appropriate (some behaviours will not need substitutes)
  • move the client further towards the ‘integrated’ end of the extrinsic continuum
  • maximise intrinsic motivation
  • suggest self-rewards if appropriate
  • strengthen beliefs
  • highlight the ways that the goal fits the client’s value system
  • suggest (following discussions) ways to control stimuli
  • work with pros and cons; presuming the client does want to go ahead, enhance pros, and minimise cons.
  • if possible create awareness of a goal as being toward positivity and away from negativity
  • maximise the client’s belief in their ability to succeed
  • maximise task orientation (when appropriate)
  • tie client’s identity in with end result and separate from current behaviour
  • help the client to find ways over, under, around or through barriers, or to remove or reduce them
  • assist the client in maximising their environment and support
  • use ego-strengthening techniques and build on past successes
  • boost feeling of control, and help them to have more in reality
  • if motivation is high in other contexts, transfer it
  • reduce perception of the strength of the habit
  • assist the client towards internal attributions
  • educate the client as to physiological processes
  • address perceived competence/adequacy using the Harter model
  • address self-esteem using the Shavelson model
  • assist client to be aware of possible set-backs and how to deal with them

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